Before his conversion on the road to Damascus Paul was a zealous Pharisee.
Paul thought of himself as a servant of God, do you think of yourself as God's servant.Paulo pensou em si mesmo como um servo de Deus, você pensa de si mesmo como servo de Deus?
In our society the term servant is not used frequently. Em nossa sociedade, o termo servo não é usado com freqüência. Technically people like George Bush, John Howard and Peter Beattie are servants, but you would not think so by the way they act.What does Paul mean when he calls himself a bondservant of God? O que Paulo quer dizer quando chama a si mesmo um servo de Deus? The Greek word he uses in Titus 1:1 is 'doulos' which would be better translated as slave as it describes a person who has given himself up to another's will . A servant or a slave of God consciously and deliberately refuses to be ruled by self will and commits himself to be ruled by the will of God. A palavra grega que ele usa em Tito 1:1 é “doulos” que seria melhor traduzida como escravo. Um servo ou um escravo de Deus que consciente e deliberadamente se recusa a ser governado por vontade própria e se compromete a ser governado pela vontade de Deus.
Jesus gives us the perfect example of what it is to be a servant or a slave of God.
Paul has been called and commissioned specifically to promote, strengthen and sanctify the faith of God's elect.A preocupação de Paulo é com a fé dos eleitos de Deus. He is concerned about what they believe and how they exercise their faith in everyday life. Ele está preocupado com o que eles acreditam e como praticam a sua fé na vida cotidiana. Paul is concerned about the witness of the elect, what they believe must determine and shape the way they live and behave.Through the preaching of the Gospel God's elect who already believe will have their faith strengthen and God's elect who are yet to believe will be called by God's sovereign free grace to believe. The mention of God's sovereign free election of individuals to salvation is a direct challenge to subjectivism and self-centrednesThe witness of the Cretans was defective in that what they believed did not follow through to godly behaviour, therefore the truth needed to be accentuated so that it could promote godliness.Temos de olhar para nós mesmos e perguntar se temos sidos servos e se a piedade está sendo promovido
Por fim, irmãos, a The blessing of receiving God's grace is amazing and overwhelming. bênção de receber a graça de Deus é surpreendente e avassaladora. All believers ought to be humbled by the fact that it was by grace that they were elected by God before the foundation of the world, by grace they have been saved, by grace they are made a sons of God, by grace they are kept, and by grace they will be with the Lord in glory forever. Biblical grace is the love of God in action. God's grace is supremely seen in God the Father sending God the Son to be our Saviour.O poder da graça salvadora que faz um homem tão disposto a abandonar seus desejos e pecados e seguir a Cristo. If you are one of God's elect you have received grace and have been given faith that agitates your heart, mind, soul and will to be more like God.Se você é um dos eleitos de Deus você recebeu a graça e a fé que deve agitar seu coração, mente, alma e vontade de ser servo de Deus. You have received the truth of God's plan of salvation in Christ Jesus, and you are a servant of God entrusted with the glorious gospel of Christ Jesus to share it with others and to guard it from error. You have been given a great responsibility . Titus had received this responsibility and Paul's instructions to him in this letter tells him how to fulfil this responsibility.Você recebeu a verdade do plano de salvação de Deus
If you do not have a deep sense of your calling, authority, and responsibility then something in your faith is defective, the truth is not making the impact on your life that it should.
I challenge you to look at your life and all that you believe and practice and ask yourself whether you are a servant under authority or a consumer with a basket full of teachings bought in the market place? Do you submit to the Word of God, or do you rule over the Word?Eu desafio você olhar para a sua vida e tudo o que você acredita e pratica e se perguntar se você é um servo? Você submete à Palavra de Deus?
Presb. Nilton Alves Rabelo